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Wednesday, October 12, 2011

poem ko

Trees are the kindest and helpful things I know
That dont do anything bad, they simply grow
They spread shade to sleepy cow
Among their bough there birds chirping until now

They give us fruit that we see in their branches
Thick wood for making houses to the beaches
Falling leaves at fall to burn in Halloween
And in spring many new buds of green

They are the first thing when the mornings begun
To touch the light beams of our smiling su
They are the last standing to holds the sunlight
Everytime when evening changes into night

When the shining moon start to float in the sky
They humming a calm wind like lullaby
To the babies, parent that are very tired
I wish also the trees always safe in life


The Materials of in packing are:
                                                         6 Yards thick ribbon
                                                          Card board
                                                        3 Yards rope like ribbon
                                                        12 thick plastic bags
                                                        12 pcs of 4 inch thin ribbon
                                 The Step in Packing. First makes 12 small boxes and one big box as the container of the small boxes. Secondly divide the 6 yards thick ribbon into 12 pcs.0.50yard each. Then put each plastic bag to the small box and tie w/ thick ribbon. After that put each plastic bag to the small box and tie w/ thick ribbon.And lastly put the small boxes in the big box and tie w/ the rope like ribbon


Friday, August 19, 2011

August 14 to August 20

                Hey followers………. I’m writing again and this is what I’m doing from August 14 to August 20 and I wrote this August 21.
                This week is nothing but computing of index card and a very hard review for the first grading periodical test. We came back for what we started but I’m so glad that the exam is so easy because I remember the previous lesson we had tackle. I hope in the checking, I’m right in my calculation.

August 8 to August 12

Hey followers………. I’m writing again and this is what I’m doing from August 8 to August 12 and I wrote this August 13.
I have a lot to do this week because this week is giving our performance task. We continue in making our webpage in the first day and I discover how to insert a chat box. I’m so glad that learned it because it’s cool you know and without chat box in a webpage is boring. We upload our web pages in byethost.com because its free hosting and some of my classmate upload in 20m.com or 15m.com. If you want to see my blog visit adamgabriel.byethost7.com.

August 1 to August 5

                Hey followers………. I’m writing again and this is what I’m doing from August 1 to August 5 and I wrote this August 7.
                Have a great day my followers…. I’m very glad to my score this 2nd monthly test because I got a high score like in Filipino, I got 3 mistake so I have a remarks that I got the highest score in our class. In computer, this week is just continuing in making webpage because making webpage is not so easy in just one hour a day. We are preparing in uploading next week. I hope you like it. We had our recollection also this week but this year, its so boring not like last year.

July 25 to July 30

                Hey followers………. I’m writing again and this is what I’m doing from July 25 to July 30 and I wrote this July 31.
                I’m glad to say that I’m improving in making a my webpage that this week our teacher check our website and I’m very happy that I got a high score. I also learned this week how to insert links in my webpage so that my pages our now linked to each other. We had our 2nd monthly test this week so I’m busy in reviewing my lessons in all subject. I wish I got a high score.

July 18 to July 22

Hey followers………. I’m writing again and this is what I’m doing from July 18 to July 22 and I wrote this July 23.
                This week in computer I learned many things. I learned how to insert picture in a web page just type <img src=”name of the picture.format”>. I also learned how to use <abbr> or abbreviation. We do a lot of activity in it just to practice how to insert a picture because my other classmate didn’t get it maybe they have misspelled or something wrong to it. If you want to comment, visit my website in adamgabriel.byethost7.com.