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Friday, July 1, 2011

June !3 to 17

Hard time!
                I wrote this June 18, 2011. This is all about the lesson and what we learn from June 13 to 17.
                This is very difficult for me because this is the second week of our class and new lesson are coming. There are 7 subjects in 4 days of a week and 1 day of 8 subjects so I have a lot to do. In chemistry, the first lesson we need to learn is the scientific method because it is needed for the investigatory project for 1st grading. It’s so very hard to make an I.P. because you need to study hard research. Then we have had our introduction to chemistry and a report about the products of chemistry.
                In English, we having our idiomatic for the day and the first lesson we had tackle is fragment vs. sentence. We also had our spelling everyday and SRA every Friday. The first two day this week in Filipino, our teacher is absent because of high blood so our nurse substitute her. Our nurse lead us in finding our BMI. When the teacher came back, the first lesson we had tackle is the short story.
                In Geometry, we continue our lesson about rays, congruent, lines, points, and also angles and its types. Then we had our quiz in Friday. In MAPEH, we continue the lesson about music in India and it’s so very difficult to memorize the names because it is new to me. We also have our quiz in MAPEH.
                In AP, the first lesson we had tackle is HEOGRAPIYA. This is so easy because the lesson is already tackled in elementary. We had our news giving every day. Then we also tackle the theory how the world form and in Thursday, we had our activity. In Computer, we had discussed and had our lecture about the basic tags and we research to make blogs.
                In EP, we had our activity called Cadena de Estoria. And in Friday, We had our seatwork. We only have 3 meetings in a week so we are lacking of time for the lesson. In Religion, the teacher dicussed about St. Elizabeth. We only have 2 meetings so like EP, no time for another lesson. Maybe 1 to 2 lesson a week we can tackle.
                This is what we had this week.

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